Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Offering Dialog ( Bahasa Inggris )

Contoh Offering Dialog dalam bahasa inggris
By Nadya, Farah, Meila, and Dixa

Nadya  : Hello Dixa, Meila. What are you doing?
Farah    : Yeah, I see you are very busy now.
Dixa     : Yes, it is like that. I'm working on chemistry assignment. It’s very difficult.
Meila    : Yes, chemistry is a bit difficult. But math is harder, I'm doing math and there are five things I have not done yet.
Nadya  : May I help you?
Dixa     : Yes, of course. You can help us.                                                                  
Meila    : Thank you :D
Farah    : Okay, then we're working together here. Can I get you study books in the library now?
Dixa     : Thanks Far, I will help you.
Nadya  : How about we do it in the library?
Meila    : Shall I bring you some snack?
Farah    : Thank you, it is very kind of you.
Dixa     : Let's go to the library now!
Nadya  : Can I help you to bring your bag?
Meila    : Don't worry, I will do it myself.
Farah    : O.K. Let’s go! (While walking to the library.)

Arriving at the library.
Dixa     : Where will we learn?
Meila    : It looks like it's right there. There is an empty place.
Nadya  : Come on soon! Let our work quickly completed.
Farah    : OK. I'll catch up with you, after filling out the attendance list.
All        : Yeah. We will wait for you.

Farah approached all.
All        : (Doing task)
Farah    : Have you taken any study books?
Dixa     : Not yet. Let me look for it, you just do math task first.
Meila    : I have not understood the number 2 math assignment.
Nadya  : Oh .. if this can be solved by way of matrix multiplication
Farah    : Oh. Like that.
Dixa     : Friends, this book has many examples of tasks that can help us learn.
Meila    : OK. I'll do it.

A few minutes later
Nadya  : Hey have the bell coming home from school. Come home soon.
Dixa     : Let's understand at home. Let me ask our teacher.
All        : Ready!
Farah    : Be careful. See you tomorrow.


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