Monday, August 7, 2017

Contoh Surat Pribadi dalam Bahasa Inggris

Subject     : My Friend
To                 : Nabila
Acc              : Nadya 

Hello! How are you? Here, I’m fine, I hope you’re fine my friend.
Now, I attend a Senior High School 1 Wates. By the way how about your school? And how about your new friends?
     Now, I have new friends, her name is Qurrota A’yun, you can call her “A’yun”. She was born on August 14th, 1999. She lives in Wates, near with me. She is really into singing and listening, do you know her voice is very nice! Wow magnificent!! Her father is a driver, and her mother is a house wife. She has 1 pretty sister. And she is really into English subject, I’m usually studying English with her. Also she is really into Raffi Ahmad, like you Girl! I remember it, when you sing Raffi song with title “Kamulah Takdirku”, very humorous! And her favourite teacher is Miss Yanti Susiwi my English teacher and my class teacher. She intends to be a Doctor.

     How about your new friend? Please drop me a line, Nabila! Can’t wait to hear from you!


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